Lean Tech strengthens your competitiveness and contributes to a more sustainable development.


We offer training and consulting within the following areas:

  • Efficient use of raw material: Reduce material shortages, benchmark consumption and optimize processes
  • Improving product quality: Understand, reduce and control process variation to achieve predictable results
  • Increasing productivity: Improve production flow and machine efficiency (OEE)
  • Product development: Improve existing products or develop new ones, using Experimental design (DOE) and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
  • Root-cause analysis and problem solving
  • Emission control and establishing Monitoring program
  • Compare operation to BAT (Best Available Technique) using reference documents (BREFs) from IPPC (Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control)
  • Measurement: Determine measurement error and improve measurement systems
  • Set the right goals and decide applicable process indicators to follow-up
  • Cost-benefit analysis to prioritize the right solutions
  • Data application: Collect reliable & relevant data, use visualization to understand them

Contact info

Lean Tech AS | Snøfonna 5

0047 481 23 070

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Lørenskog, Norway


L - Look for solutions

E – Enthusiastic

A – Analytical

N - Never give up

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