Verdistrømsanalyse kurs

Value Stream Mapping - VSM


Value stream mapping helps you improve flow of material and information through your value stream.

A Value Stream Map visually displays the flow of steps, delays and information required to deliver a product or service to the customer.

Lean Tech offers 1 day classroom.


About the training


We use a Lego game to practice Value Stream Mapping (VSM), and play two rounds of the game during the course. 

We use target figures like profit, quality, delivery rate and flow efficiency to measure the result of the game. 

Between the two games, we learn to use VSM to understand the process, and practice Lean solutions to reduce waste and improve flow.


Learning objectives


This training enables you to:

  • Visualize the flow of activities using Process Mapping
  • Use data and facts to understand possible causes of reduced process performance
  • Use Lean principles to improve flow and reduce leadtime
  • Implement Lean solutions to reduce waste

  • Lean principles
  • Continuous improvement methods
  • Introduction to Lego game
  • Play Lego game
  • Measuring process performance
  • Brainwriting to identify possible causes and solutions
  • Set specific goals
  • Visualize activities using Process Mapping
  • Identify wastes (non-value-adding activities)
  • Calculate flow efficiency
  • Examples of Lean solutions
  • Decide improvements for next Lego game
  • Play Lego game
  • Evaluate result


We use Lean principles and solutions to improve a Lego manufacturing process.

The game was developed by John Bicheno at the Lean Enterprise Research Center and further developed by Joakim Hillberg at Revere in Sweden.

Companies, universities and consultants from several countries use this game to provide practical experience and understanding of Lean principles.

The game will give you hands-on experience with 8 wastes, 5S, Single piece flow, batch size, changeover reduction, Takt time, workload balancing, inventory, communication and planning.  

Practical information

Courses can be arranged on request and customized to your business needs.

Your own data can be used in examples and exercises. 

Open courses are arranged according to the Course Calendar.

You can start e-learning when you want. You have access for a year and unlimited attempts to successfully complete multiple-choice exam.

Lunch, refreshments, and drinks during classroom training are included, and you receive a course completion certificate.


Course location varies; check "Place" in Course Calendar.

Lean Tech is located at Igloo Innovation at SNØ (Snøfonna 5, 1470 Lørenskog) and organizes courses here.

We have an agreement with Thon Hotels and organize courses in other locations as needed.



rsz img 3561 til sissel

Sissel Pedersen Lundeby is IASSC (International association for Six Sigma certification) accredited trainer associate:

"This accreditation publically reflects that you have met the standards established by IASSC such that those who participate in a training program led by you can expect to receive an acceptable level of knowledge..."

Sissel has a Master in Chemical Engineering and more than 20 years' experience within manufacturing and environmental technology. She has practiced Lean Six Sigma since 2002, completing Black Belt projects and certification through Cytec (2004) and IASSC (2017).

She use Lean Six Sigma to create measurable results and want her course participants to be successful improving their processes. That's why her training focus on practical application.


"Inspiring, professionally competent, popularize a theoretical discipline"

Espen Fjeld, Commercial Director at Berendsen

"Academic highly skilled and clear performance. Fun and builds trust"

Jon Sørensen, Production Manager at Berendsen

"10/10 good at reaching everyone"

Erlend Stene, Sales leader at Berendsen

"Clear and well presented. Good at asking questions and listen (check understanding)"

Morten Bodding, Production Manager at Berendsen

"Made a difference, engaged and skilled"

- Participant from EWOS

"You are inspiring, positive and professionally skilled"

- Participant from EWOS

Anonymous feedback:

"Clear presentations and well explained"

"I thought it was very rich, with good examples that made me reflect"


Value stream mapping is one of the improvement tools in the e-learning library


Animated videos with improvement tools


Lean Techs partner Aksena has developed a library of stand-alone, easy to use improvement tools.

The videoes give you a short and effective introduction to the relevant tool (the length varies between 40 seconds and 9 minutes). The tools support effective planning and execution of improvement workshops and activities. 

Send a link to relevant tools prior to a meeting. Ask the participants to prepare. Then apply the approach suggested in the tool to achieve the meeting objectives. 

Make it simple!


Watch demo from Value Stream Mapping video


Contact info

Lean Tech AS | Kristoffer Robins vei 13

0047 481 23 070

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Oslo, Norway

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E – Enthusiastic

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