Asking questions


I saw a show with Ian Russell, and I found it inspiring and informative.

He is excellent at asking questions and interact with his audience, while teaching science.

He talks about how children are curious and asks questions, while grown-ups tend not to.

Why is that? Why do we stop questioning things?

Ian encourages us to become more curious of our surroundings, to ask questions and to investigate. I am sure a lot of the kids watching his show, started their own experiments when they got home. Mine did.

What about us grown-ups? Most of the grown-ups on the show were there because of their children. They did not want to raise their hands and share their opinion when Russell asked question.

"Why is that?" Russell asked. Russell believes it is because the grown-ups are more afraid of being mistaken. I believe he is right. However, I wonder why we are so afraid of doing mistakes. Everybody do mistakes. It is part of our learning. I do not like to do mistakes, and I certainly never do them on purpose. However, I realize that my mistakes have given me a lot of learning. It does not need to be a "mistake", but realizing "I can do this even better". By not being afraid of admitting mistakes and that you do not know, you can reach your full potential and learn a lot. I find it useful to tell myself "I did my best and it's good enough. Next time I will do even better because of all I learned."

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