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Have you been to a meeting, and questioned the value of the meeting afterwards?
Maybe the meeting was relevant to some of the participants, but not to all of them?
Poor preparation may cause the meetings to last longer.
Discussions outside the scope of the meeting may be another reason for inefficient meetings.
Implementing meeting rules can improve meeting effectivness.
Poor meeting management, lack of preparation and discipline from the participants, results in both frustration and huge time loss for employees and organizations.
Defining meeting rules might result in more efficient meetings.
Here are examples of meeting rules:
It is usually not enough to introduce meeting rules.
The key to creating change is to follow up and evaluate: Are the rules followed? Have we become better?
By evaluating the meetings based on efficiency, you can continuously improve.
Here are suggestions for the checklist:
The importance of good preparation can be illustrated by the following example: An hour's preparation of chairman resulted in a 15 minutes faster meeting. There were 10 participants at the meeting included chairman. What was the effect of the preparations?
A net time gain of 1.5 t, or 9 min released time per participant. If this was a meeting held weekly, improved preparation could release between 9 and 10 days a year. If you look further on all the meeting activity at the company, effective meeting culture can provide significant time savings.
How will you make your meetings more efficient?
Lean Tech AS | Kristoffer Robins vei 13
0047 481 23 070
Oslo, Norway
L - Look for solutions
E – Enthusiastic
A – Analytical
N - Never give up